Broadcast Journalism

I was introduced into the broadcast format in early 2020 before the lockdown in the Journalism 1-2 class. It was interesting and I created a video story about a new track coach but just like everyone else the pandemic threw a wrench into our plans. 

When I became a staff member of The Orator our online presence was more of an afterthought. The website itself was still new being only two years old by the time I got on staff. The journalism program was still very focused on our newspaper that got printed once a quarter. I wanted to explore broadcast but with the pandemic our staff remained small and it was decided to just stick with what we knew we could do which was publish a newspaper. 

In my junior year the hope for a small decided staff to just produce online content while the rest focused on our newspaper was broken when those assigned to the online staff dropped the class. For the rest of the year we focused on just producing the standard print story with phots or infographics. 

Between our third and fourth issue of the newspaper we had a little more time to produce some online content. I took it upon myself to take it as an opportunity to create a video to be published. I saw a new business that would be opening up soon so I thought it would be a somewhat easy story to produce. I asked a few other staff members to join me but scheduling conflicts meant I had to solo this story.  

I created the bulk of the work with gathering footage during the grand opening, interviewing, writing a script and editing it all together into a package. I did ask one of my other staffers to do the voiceover. That staffer has an interest in sports broadcasting so rather just do the voiceover myself I wanted to give her the opportunity to experience a form of broadcasting to see if it was something she would enjoy.