Marketing and Audience Engagement

The work we do as journalists does not matter if nobody reads it. It's important to make sure our student body knows when content has been produced especially since temporarily The Orator is just online this year.
Our main focus for marketing is through our social media pages as well as Bryan High's social media accounts. I've reached out to the school social media team which is run by a few staff members to periodically reshare our content to try and reach a wider audience.
I'll also notify staff members from both publications when stories get posted so they can reshare it on their personal social media accounts.
Facebook remains the platform with the most followers and audience engagement. We often get a few comments about our work on our Facebook page from students, alumni, staff and parents.

In previous years when we produced a print newspaper it was up to the staff to distribute the newspaper.
Once we got notified by the advisor that the paper arrived to the school all the editors and a few reporters come to the newsroom to start the distribution process.
We first count out the newspaper into stacks of about 15-20 depending on how big of a batch was ordered.
I'd then assign two people to go together to deliver to a specific area of the school. Each classroom would get a stack of newspapers. The extra newspapers would be stocked onto newspaper stands we have in the journalism classroom, library and front office.
The student body was receptive to our newspaper. After we'd distributed kids could be seen in every classroom reading it. There were some distribution days when I overhead students and staff in the hallway discussing some of the stories we wrote.