
Below are examples of some of video work.

I assisted in filming an in-depth investigative reporting documentary led by Marissa Lindemann and Olivia Reed and published with Nebraksa News Service. Lindemann and Reed created the documentary for an in-depth reporting class on murdered and missing marginalized women. Specifically, I was brought on to help capture interviews and b-roll during their trip to Pine Ridge, South Dakota. 

The documentary received an Award of Excellence from the Broadcast Education Association On Location. 

On the Border: Sherry Wounded Foot's Story

Production Hosue LIVE! is a satirical production that mixes pre-recorded and live footage. It was created as the end-of-semester project for the Production Hosue experience lab. I pitched, directed and filmed the segment based on the Harper Pisser around the 15:04 mark. 

The idea came from a real Daily Nebraskan investigation of an allegation of someone throwing cups of urine in the at residents doors in Harper Hall.  

Production House Live

This video is a parody of the song "Munch" by Ice Spice. It was an assignment in my JOUR200A Fundamentals of Editing and Reporting class. Each group made a 45 to 60-second music video based on grammar and AP Style rules. I shot and edited the video while the rest of my group was the talent. The class selected this video as the best one in the class. 

JOUR 200A Word Crimes: That Comma a Munch

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